Predict Protein Abundance at single-cell resolution

Activity map of GPCR revealed by machine learning

Development of Intelligent Plasma Medical Technology Applying User Data Platform

AGNES medical project to prove the effectiveness of plasma laser treatment in dermatology

  • Measured  reactive  oxygen  species  and  immunofluorescence staining cell  adhesion  protein (VE-cadherin, Factin, Phalloidin)
  • Cultured different types of cells including HEK 293T, HELA, MCF-10A, MDA-MB-231, HACAT
  • Operated cell viability assay and intracellular delivery (lipofectamine)    

Low-intensified Cold Atmospheric Plasma Reduces Wrinkles on Photoaged Skin through Hormetic Induction of Extracellular Matrix Protein Expression in Dermal Fibroblasts , Submitted on Lasers in Surgery & Medicine   

various cell morphology

Styoxgreen staining of cells in PAM

(plasma activated media)

After irradiation of plasma (dorsal skin)

MPCT (Micro Patterning Cellular Transfer)

  • Designed and manufactured master mold using the photo-lithography method, and replicated patterned PDMS stamp
  • Used mini prep and tested cell transfection
  • Imaged optical microscopy and fluorescence microscopy and analyzed with image J       

Schematic of MPCT

Delivery of in GFP plasmid in HEK293T cell 

Elastic Nanoneedle array film

SAMSUNG initiated a project to promote future technology 

  • Cultured and maintained HACAT, L929, HEK 293T
  • Sonoporated cells with flexible nanoneedle to form nanoporosity for cell transfection (BE4max and Cas9)

Schematic of nanoneedle film intraceullar delivery

  Park, H.-J.; Hong, H.; Thangam, R.; Song, M.-G.; Kim, J.-E.; Jo, E.-H.; Jang, Y.-J.; Choi, W.-H.; Lee, M.-Y.; Kang, H.; Lee, K.-B. Static and Dynamic Biomaterial Engineering for Cell Modulation. Nanomaterials 2022, 12, 1377.